Integrated Business Management Services

Your Partner for Accounting Support Services

Bookkeeping Services

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Bookkeeping Services
Accounting & Business Services
Tax Services
Hiring a Full Charge Bookkeeper or Accounting Manager will cost $40,000.00 or more. But what if you could have the benefit of a Full Charge Bookkeeper or Accounting Manager at a fraction of the cost. It is a common practice even in business such at Time Share properties, Private Airline leasing, etc. We call this Shared Services and it comes at a discounted cost with full benefits. You could also avail of our Outsourcing Services if you require full time services. All these service comes customize for your business. For more information, give us a call or e-mail us for a free consultation.
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If you want to share your experience with our services, please go to our Customer Feedback Link. We value your opinion and continue to improve our services thru your valuable input.
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